This is current as of 2023-07-12T21:54:00.270245
The following colors are displayed to indicate the remaining support life of packages from today's date, which is Enable JavaScript for this calculation :
Background Color | Meaning |
Green | More than 180 days of support remaining |
Red | This package is currently End of Life |
Orange | Fewer than 60 days of support remaining |
Yellow | Fewer than 180 days of support remaining |
These packages were deprecated with the initial Amazon Linux 2018.03 release announcement and will not receive any further updates. Most were announced nearing EoL in the 2016.09 release notes.
As announced with Maintenance Support, these packages will no longer receive updates. This matches their upstream End of Life.
These packages are provided purely for binary compatibility with older Amazon Linux versions. They do not receive security updates.
These have been superseded by the AWS CLI
Following upstream, MySQL 5.5 reached end of life in December 2018.
Upstream PostgreSQL 9.4 reached End of Life on 2020-02-13. As previously announced, Amazon Linux 1 is following upstream End Of Life for PostgreSQL 9.4. The link provided is to the upstream statement.
'Upstream Ruby 2.4 went End of Life on 2020-03-31. As previously announced, Amazon Linux 1 is following upstream end of life for Ruby 2.4. The link provided is to the upstream statement.
OpenJDK 1.7.0 reached End Of Life at end June 2020
As previously announced, Amazon Linux 1 is following Upstream PHP 7.2 End of Life dates. Upstream PHP 7.2 reached End of Life on 2020-11-30. The link provided is to the upstream End Of Life page
MySQL 5.6 as part of Amazon Linux 1 reached End of Life on 2021-02-05.
Upstream PostgreSQL 9.5 reached End of Life on 2021-02-11. As previously announced, Amazon Linux 1 is following upstream End Of Life for PostgreSQL 9.5. The link provided is to the upstream statement.
Upstream PostgreSQL 9.6 reached End of Life on 2021-11-11. As previously announced, Amazon Linux 1 is following upstream End Of Life for PostgreSQL 9.6. The link provided is to the upstream statement.
As previously announced, Amazon Linux 1 is following Upstream PHP 7.3 End of Life dates. Upstream PHP 7.3 reached End of Life on 2021-12-06. The link provided is to the upstream End Of Life page
The upstream Python community declared Python 3.6 End of Life as 23rd December 2021. As communicated previously, Amazon Linux 1 will follow the upstream End of Life schedule for Python 3.6. The link provided is to the upstream Python 3.6 release schedule.
The upstream Python community estimates an End of Life date for Python 3.8 of October 14th, 2024. Since this is after the Amazon Linux 1 End of Life date, the earlier date of AL1 EoL applies.
Upstream MySQL 5.7 reaches End Of Life on 2023-10-21.
OpenJDK 1.8.0 reaches End Of Life at end December 2023
The Maintenance Support period of Amazon Linux 1 ends on December 31st, 2023. From this point, the remaining Amazon Linux 1 packages (listed below) will no longer receive any updates from AWS.